How India VIX works ? How trader should read it.

What Is India VIX?

India VIX is an important measure in the Indian stock market, representing the market’s expected volatility. It was created by the National Stock Exchange of India to fill a gap in the market and provide traders and investors with a better understanding of market dynamics. Modeled after the CBOE VIX in the United States, it focuses on NIFTY options to track volatility and has become an essential tool for market participants in India. It is widely followed and helps assess market sentiment.

Importance Of India VIX Index

The India VIX Index is important in the financial market. It measures market sentiment and shows investor perceptions and confidence levels. A high VIX indicates volatility and uncertainty, which means bearish market conditions. On the other hand, a low VIX suggests stability and bullish market sentiments. Options traders use this index to price options contracts. Portfolio managers use it to understand market risk and manage portfolios.

How Is India VIX Calculated?

Understanding how India’s VIX is calculated is important for investors and traders who use it to gauge market volatility. The calculation is based on the Black-Scholes Model, which is used to estimate the theoretical price of options. This model helps determine India’s VIX by analyzing the implied volatility of NIFTY options, which reflects the market’s expectation of future volatility.

The calculation involves a series of steps:

  1. Selection of Options
  2. The first step is to select the option contracts that will be used in the calculation. These are primarily OTM options for the nearest and next month’s expiries, both calls and puts.
  3. Average Price Calculation
  4. An average price is computed for each selected option. This is derived from the mid-point of the bid-ask spread of each option.
  5. Meaning of Implied Volatility
  6. Implied volatility values for each option are calculated using the Black-Scholes formula. This part of the calculation assesses how much the market expects the NIFTY Index to fluctuate in the future.
  7. Weighting the Options
  8. Each option’s implied volatility is weighted based on its distance from the NIFTY Index’s current level. This weighting is crucial as it ensures that options closer to the market level have a greater impact on the India VIX calculation.
  9. Aggregating the Data
  10. Finally, the weighted implied volatilities of all selected options are aggregated to arrive at a single value. This value represents the expected volatility of the NIFTY Index over the next 30 days.

The result is given as an annual percentage. This means that the India VIX value shows the expected range of movement (up or down) in the NIFTY Index for the next year. For example, if the India VIX value is 15, it indicates that the market expects the NIFTY Index to move within a range of 15% over the next year.

How To Use India Vix For Trading?

Understanding how to effectively use India VIX in trading strategies is a vital skill for traders in the Indian stock market. India VIX is a critical indicator of market volatility and sentiment, and harnessing its power can greatly improve trading decisions.

Here are some key ways in which traders can leverage India VIX:

High VIX

  • A high India VIX value indicates that traders are anticipating high volatility in the market. This is often associated with market uncertainty or fear. In situations like these, traders may consider implementing hedging strategies. Hedging involves the use of financial instruments, such as options, to reduce potential losses in other investments. This approach can be crucial during turbulent market phases as it enables more effective risk management.


  • On the other hand, a low India VIX indicates that the market is comparatively tranquil and steady. In such circumstances, traders may contemplate employing tactics such as option writing. Option writing, or selling options, entails the sale of options contracts to generate premium income. This approach becomes especially appealing in markets with lower volatility, as it reduces the risk of significant and unforeseen market fluctuations.

VIX Trends

  • Having a keen understanding of the trends in India VIX can significantly impact your ability to make savvy investment decisions. Paying attention to the India VIX can provide valuable insights into when to enter or exit trades with confidence. For instance, if you notice an upward trend in the India VIX, it could serve as a clear indication of mounting market anxiety. This, in turn, alerts you that it might be a prudent time to consider exiting certain positions or even engaging in defensive trades. On the other hand, a downward trajectory in the India VIX could signify a rise in market confidence, presenting you with opportunities to initiate new positions or exit hedging trades. By staying well-informed and leveraging the power of India VIX trends, you can enhance your decision-making process and pave the way for successful investments.

Strategic Trading

  • Traders have the extraordinary opportunity to align their trading strategies with the ever-changing market sentiment, as distinctly signaled by the India VIX. In the realm of high volatility, traders may choose to focus their undivided attention on astute strategies that not only weather but thrive amidst significant market swings. Conversely, in the realm of market stability, strategies that expertly capitalize on such tranquility could potentially yield bountiful results.

Volatility Management

  • In volatile markets, India VIX could prove to be an invaluable tool for portfolio diversification. By keeping a close eye on the India VIX, traders can strategically adjust their portfolio composition to effectively manage risk. This may entail increasing the allocation of defensive assets such as bonds or gold during periods of high volatility.

Balanced Exposure

  • The usage of India VIX for portfolio diversification serves the purpose of constructing a resilient equilibrium capable of withstanding market volatility. This implies the integration of a diverse range of assets that are primed to react distinctively to various market conditions, thus alleviating the impact of market fluctuations on the portfolio.

How Traders And Investors And Traders Can Use The India VIX Data?

The VIX serves as a vital gauge for expected market volatility, making it incredibly valuable for both investors and traders. Here are some key insights to consider:

Long-term investors can adjust their sector exposure and hedges based on VIX movements, offering the opportunity to pivot towards defensive sectors or increase hedge ratios as the VIX sharply rises.

For traders, the VIX holds immense value as it allows for trading VIX futures on the NSE. By anticipating market volatility and its impact on the VIX, traders can make informed decisions such as buying VIX futures, offering a non-directional approach that proves particularly helpful during pivotal market events or key announcements.

Exploring the historical VIX chart, it’s apparent that the VIX typically fluctuates within a range of 13 to 17, with exceptions leading to lows of 9.5 and highs of 60. Leveraging the median range chart of the VIX can aid in trading strategies centered on mean reversion.

Lastly, the VIX yields insight into short-term trading ranges, defining the Nifty spot range and guiding decisions to go long or short based on appropriate levels.

Overall, the VIX offers a smart and non-directional means to interpret markets and trade on volatility. Its value lies in providing an alternative approach to navigating market fluctuations effectively.


India VIX plays a critical role in the toolbox of financial market participants. Its uncanny ability to forecast volatility makes it an invaluable asset for informed trading and risk management. By harnessing the power of India VIX, traders and investors can skillfully navigate the intricate web of the market with heightened confidence and strategic foresight.